Funeral Pre-planning

Help your loved ones avoid "Emotional Overspending" at the time of your passing by getting your "Affairs in Order". A pre-planned funeral will reduce the burden on your family and it can be done safely and cost effectively. Let me show you how. 

Why prepay for funeral services?

Pre-paying funeral expenses helps “gets your affairs in order”. It’s a responsible part of protecting your family’s future;  Pre-paying Service can reduce the emotional and logistical “BURDEN” of having to make arrangements – 75 decisions to make in 24 to 48 hours following death, at a time of sadness and stress; Pre-paying Service locks-in your costs at today’s prices funeral costs and normally costs double every ten years or so,  while regular life insurance loses its value against these rising costs; Funeral decisions made in advance, when everyone is calm, not only in good health are more likely to be rational than those made at a time of upset; Pre-paying Service gives you an insight to think options and issues thoroughly and discuss them as a family matters and come to a sensible consensus.  

What the pre-paid funeral planning services mean to you.

We provide wishes and memories

It’s not just about the money! So much information to gather after a death occurs, people to contact, personal documents to deal with, eulogies to create. By completing the “My Biography Journal” which we will provide, Your final wishes are known, your personal information and documents are in one place, a profile on your life and who you are is on hand, personal notes to spouse, children and grandchildren are there to be always to be remembered.

A structured savings plan

Savings occurs every month over 3/5/10/15 or 20-year period depending on which you choose. The amount drawn from your account each month never increases. After the savings period has elapsed, no more money is withdrawn. The policy is paid up. Unlike Life Insurance, you keep paying until you die.

An element of insurance

What if there’s a tragedy and death occurs early due to stroke, heart attack, cancer, or accident. If we were just relying on the savings, there wouldn’t be enough money to cover funeral costs at premature death. Also, after a short period of time if or whatever reason you need to discontinue the program the money you already contributed as well as the tax free money earned will revert the plan to a paid-up policy.

Everyone qualifies

After a short period, if you need to discontinue your program for whatever reason, money you already contributed as well as the interest-tax free accumulated will revert to a paid-up policy. Contrast this with traditional Life Insurance policies where your plan is forfeited if payments stop.

Your savings are sheltered

Unlike traditional insurance policies, folks cannot be forced to sell plans for cash value to pay amounts in arrears to creditors, nursing homes, or even probate fees. Your money is completely unattachable and will always be there for your funeral costs.

Protect against rising funeral costs

Funerals like everything else increase in price over time. If all we achieved was your savings goal and you lived a long life as we all hope, the cost of your funeral may be two or three times today’s cost. That’s why the benefit is interest free from day one on the face value of your program. Your plan is always growing so that funds available to pay the increased funeral costs at the time of death.

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